
November 12, 2020

The unfortunate timing of BGR55 for developers

In terms of the Tax Administration Act, the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) can issue Binding General Rulings (“BGR”) on matters of general interest or importance and clarifies the […]
November 12, 2020

Beware of scams during filing season

In late August 2020, a large credit bureau in South Africa was the target of a data breach where millions of private individual and company data records were compromised. This data leakage, coupled with the tax filing season, makes for the perfect opportunity […]
November 12, 2020

The finer details of judgment rescission

The judgment deals with an application for rescission of a judgment by Barnard Labuschagne (Applicant), where SARS took judgment under the provisions of chapter 11 of […]
November 12, 2020

How your business can lead your industry with R&D

Google, Tesla, Apple … These are all companies that we associate with innovation and technological advancement. Of course, we know that the developments that they make in […]
June 22, 2020

Assistance for victims of domestic abuse

Domestic violence in its various forms has always been a problem of epic proportions and even more so in a time where the COVID-19 Coronavirus has forced people worldwide to stay at home. In South […]
June 4, 2020

Does force majeure apply during COVID-19

Common Law position – in absence of a “force majeure” clause A force majeure is an act of God or man (such as a war, strike, […]
June 4, 2020

Business rescue VS liquidation: What is the difference?

South Africa has been experiencing very slow economic growth and international rating agencies have subsequently downgraded South Africa’s investment outlook to “junk status”. This, and a […]
June 4, 2020

The new age of property viewings has arrived

The real estate industry has always been known for utilising the latest technologies available to bring buyers and sellers together. From announcements at Town Hall gatherings […]
May 21, 2020

Freedom of speech and the law of defamation

It is correct that one has the right to freedom of expression, but it is important to remember that this right is limited. When one oversteps […]
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