While employers cannot force their employees to be vaccinated, there are various grounds for dismissing employees who object, provided that the employer has conducted a thorough risk assessment to determine the need for vaccination. […]
Employees often consider to immediately terminate their employment relationship due to a new opportunity arising or to avoid responsibility when faced with disciplinary procedures. Employment relationships are governed by an […]
Many employers often decide to leave disciplinary matters for a later date and/or overlook matters of concern to avoid conflict. However, when handled well, conflict can have […]
It often happens that employers give instructions to employees that do not form part of their usual routine. This article will briefly discuss whether employees are obliged to execute all instructions […]
Professionalism is defined as a person’s conduct at work. It refers to the level of competence or excellence that is expected of a professional. One should never apologise for having high […]
In a welcoming and long-awaited move, President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Amendment of the Labour Law Act into law on 28 November 2018, giving parents, particularly […]
As a point of departure, the doctrine of vicarious liability means that the employer is held liable for the wrongful acts or omission of its employees. […]
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