Discussing an antenuptial contract might not be the easiest of conversations to have with a prospective spouse. However, it is important to be aware of the […]
I recently sued someone who owes me R50,000. The Court found that the loan agreement was invalid and that the amount was not owed to me. The legal costs were subsequently awarded […]
The purpose of a precautionary suspension of an Employee is mainly to mitigate further risk to an Employer in instances where disciplinary action is contemplated. The […]
An overview of the Property Time-Sharing Control Act and the Vacational Ownership / Time-Share industry. Part 1 Part two will look at the National Consumer Commission […]
A foreigner’s immigration status is determined by the relevant visa or permanent residence permit and the rights and obligations related to it, as granted to them […]
The subdivision of agricultural land or “farmland” is regulated by the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act No. 70 of 1970 (hereafter “the Act”) which came into […]
Tips for landlords when their tenant does a disappearing act Everyone who has let out property knows that sickening feeling when you find out that your […]
The Rental Housing Amendment Act[1], section 4B (4) and (5) determines that the tenant and property owner must jointly, before the tenant moves into the dwelling, […]